Folder Ltd. is a consulting company that provides consulting services in the field of circular economy and compliance with waste management regulations.
Our service is especially focused on the following issues:
- by-products and end-of-waste
- extended producer responsibility
- waste management permit and waste management studies
- environmental reports and registers
- applications for projects and programs in the field of waste management and the circular economy for EU and national funding
- education in the field of circular economy
Official information Folder d.o.o.
Address: Vukovar, Hrvatskog zrakopovstva 36 Address 2: Zagreb, Magazinska cesta 23A
IBAN: HR0424020061100834914
MB: 4752511
OIB: 66278095931
Court register admission of Commercial Court in Zagreb: Tt-17/23631-7
MBS: 081108589
Share capital: 20.000,00 HRK
Founder and owner: Vesna Petrović
Director: Vesna Petrović (e-mail:
CV Vesna Petrović

2018. – Court expert witness in the field of Environmental protection – Waste and secondary raw material management
2017. – FOLDER d.o.o., director
2007. – 2018. – Ministry of Environment and Energy, Zagreb, Croatia, Senior expert adviser in the Sustainable Waste Management Sector
2007. – Ekoteka, Pula, Croatia – Founder and consultant
2001. – 2006. Jadran – metal d.o.o., Pula – Environmental manager
1999. – 2000. Organisation Zelena Istra, Pula – Project manager
1994. – 1997. Pula Grammar School, Pula – Chemistry teacher
2017. -2018. – Court Expert Witness in the field of Environmental Protection – Waste and Secondary Raw Material Management.
1997. – 1998. Master in Environmental Science and Policy, Manchester University, Central European University, Budapest
1995. – 1996. Program of Pedagogy-Psychology Education, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Pedagogy, Rijeka, Croatia
1987. – 1992. Master in Chemical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia